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whmjuriri || March 23 2011, 7:21pm
--The woman who was commandeered by Tsurayya to train me; she looks a devil-woman, with white flesh and white eyes, and not an ounce of colour to her - a dead yet far-too-lively thing who seems very quick to reprimand me though thus far, I've yet to feel her wrath, and seem to have found my way around it! Twice have I had threats from this woman, yet twice I've come out unscathed (or at least unscathed by her...) At the moment, I'm neutral, not entirely liking, yet certainly not disliking the stitched-together woman.
Edit: I've come to dislike this woman to a great. immense level, and wish, with all my heart, to dislodge myself from her tutelage. She dared not speak to me or even acknowledge that I was alive until such time as I did something she deemed wrong, and at that point, she dared tear open my very stomach. Next I see Tsurayya, I'll ask if I may revoke my status as a slave under her teachings.
Edit: After a small blowing of the proverbial stack, we seem to have come to an agreement; we've reached a middle=ground of agreement and, it seems, she's not such a terrible woman after all. In fact, I've truly come to care for her and trust her. How quickly things can change when feelings are brought to the open."
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whmjuriri || March 14 2011, 6:37pm
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His (played anonymously) || March 14 2011, 6:36pm
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